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Showing posts from July, 2020

Business Strategies to Fight Low-Cost Rivals

It’s easier to fight the enemy you know than one you don’t. With gale-force winds of competition lashing every industry, companies must invest a lot of money, people, and time to fight archrivals. They find it tough, challenging, and yet strangely reassuring to take on familiar opponents, whose ambitions, strategies, weaknesses, and even strengths resemble their own. CEOs can easily compare their game plans and prowess with their doppelgängers’ by tracking stock prices by the minute, if they desire. Thus, Coke duels Pepsi, Sony battles Philips and Matsushita, Avis combats Hertz, Procter & Gamble takes on Unilever, Caterpillar clashes with Komatsu, Amazon spars with eBay, Tweedledum fights Tweedledee. However, this obsession with traditional rivals has blinded companies to the threat from disruptive, low-cost competitors. All over the world, especially in Europe and North America, organizations that have business models and technologies different from those of market leaders are mus...

5 Manfaat Clover Honey bagi Kesehatan

5 Manfaat Clover Honey bagi Kesehatan Clover honey  adalah salah satu jenis madu yang berasal dari tanaman semanggi ( clover plants ). Madu ini mulai populer karena diklaim memiliki banyak manfaat bagi kesehatan. Apa saja manfaat penggunaan  clover honey  bagi kesehatan? Mari simak jawabannya di artikel berikut. Madu merupakan salah satu produk alami yang digemari karena rasanya yang manis. Ada berbagai macam jenis madu dengan rasa, aroma, dan warna yang bervariasi. Salah satu jenis madu yang cukup terkenal adalah  clover honey . Madu jenis ini berwarna kuning muda, memiliki wangi seperti bunga, dan rasanya lebih ringan dari madu jenis lainnya. Di samping gula,  clover honey  juga mengandung protein (asam amino), vitamin, mineral, enzim, dan asam fenolat ( phenolic acid ) yang merupakan antioksidan. Manfaat  Clover Honey  bagi Kesehatan Selain digunakan sebagai pemanis dalam masakan atau minuman,  clover honey  juga memiliki be...

Build a Startup? Read this Business Strategy with "New Lanchester Strategy" first...

Little background from the founder, Frederick W. Lanchester was born on October 23, 1868, in London, England. After graduating from the Royal College of Science, he built England’s first gasoline-powered automobile at the age of 28. At the age of 31, he founded a consulting firm, the Lanchester Car Company and was responsible for many of the significant inventions in the automobile industry at the time including disc brakes, power steering, four wheel drive and fuel injection. His engineering talents soon found their way into aviation and with the publication of two notable papers in 1907:  The Theory of Rotation and Lift , and a two-volume treatise on aerodynamics,  Aerial Flight . The ideas proposed in these papers were later incorporated into airfoil theory by the German physicist Ludwig Prandtl, and are still used today, known as the  Lanchester-Prandtl Three Dimensional Airfoil Theory . During World War I, Lanchester took an interest in the air war that raged over Eu...

Terbukti!! Pixel 3 MatoT, bangkit kembali

Dimulai dari PIXEL 3 yg biasa sehari2 sy pakai.. Kondisi normal, pemakaian normal dari awal selalu pakai tempered glass Nillkin dan Case Ringke fusion X. Krn kebiasaan ngecharge overnight dan memakai charger ganti-ganti (charger pixel original 18watt dan Charger Macbook pro 65watt), suatu hari ketika sy restart ini PIXEL, dan sy charge overnight, besok paginya ketika sy mau hidupkan tdk ada respon. Coba dengan tahan power lama ataupun dengan Power+vol Down utk bisa masuk ke bootloader screen tetap tidak bisa... Alhasil sy coba cari2 tempat servis pixel lewat google search... Cobalah sy kontak dengan PIC tempat servis nya, namanya Om Beben. Tanpa cerita panjang dia sdh tau permasalahannya. Dan diinfo utk langsung dibawa ke TKP. Segera meluncur, sesampainya di TKP langsung ditangani dengan peralatan yg memadai dan suku cadang PIXEL original. Setelah di tes dengan spare part yg baru (ganti baterai) segera di infolah kalau PIXEL s...

Instant IG Profile Verified, instant gratification or not?

Instant IG Profile Verified, instant gratification or not?     Ever wondered when IG (Instagram) account still not Verified or have a blue tick beside it? and you deseperately want to make it Verified?     you got in the right place, just follow me in this..     use Google Chrome browser, see your instagram account profile ("username")      1.    now, choose your favorite Verified IG Account that you know, click and select the name, right click and choose inspect         2.    in the inspect area, copy the below selected line         3.     do the same thing until inspect in your account, and choose "edit HTML" and paste previous line that you copied.         4.      so the format become like this.                               ...